After creating a strategy for achieving their overall objective, teams often develop tactical plans to achieve specific objectives within that larger strategy. Tactical plans involve defining specific goals and determining how they will be accomplished.

  • Tactics used to achieve the strategy.
  • Short term plan (typically one year or less)
  • Includes specific goals, budget, resources
Strategic planning involves looking at the big picture and deciding what kind of future you want to have.

Tactical planning involves planning to get from point A to point B.

TL;DR: The word "tactics" means "strategy" + "methods".

Characteristics of Tactical Planning

1. Short-term focus

Tactical plans tend to have a short time frame, typically one year or less. This allows them to be more responsive to changing conditions than long-range strategies. However, this also makes them susceptible to change in the circumstances.

2. Limited scope

A tactical plan usually focuses on a single area of activity. It may include various activities, but each activity must address only one goal.

3. Specific

A tactical plan is designed to solve problems that are specific to a particular situation rather than addressing broad issues.

4. Executable

A tactical plan includes steps that can be carried out. These actions provide measurable results. They allow the team to see progress toward the end state.

5. Measurable

A tactical plan defines clear metrics for success. These metrics are used as benchmarks for measuring performance.

6. Relevant

A tactical plan is relevant to the current situation rather than based on assumptions about future conditions.

7. Responsive

A tactical plan provides feedback so that changes can be made when necessary.

8. Flexible

A tactical plan adapts to changing needs and helps the team take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

9. Adaptable

A tactical plan adjusts to new situations and unanticipated events.

10. Dynamic

A tactical plan evolves with changing conditions.

Why Create a Tactical Plan?

To make sure that the company meets its goals. It's important to set achievable goals and then work backwards to determine what tactics are needed to accomplish those goals.

For example, you want to reduce customer service costs by 10% next quarter. To reach the desired cost reduction, you would first identify where your people are spending too much time or money and then develop a way to improve their productivity.


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