How can tacit knowledge be transferred or shared?

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  • How can tacit knowledge be transferred or shared?

Tacit knowledge can be defined as knowledge that cannot easily be communicated.

What is tacit knowledge?

Explicit knowledge is the knowledge that we record, structure, share, and reuse. It's the stuff you can see, hear, read, and use.

Tacit knowledge refers to a persons' knowledge, skills, and ability that cannot be expressed by writing or speech. It is the information and knowledge that you keep in your head. It is acquired through experience. You might know it but not be able to articulate it.

Tacit knowledge is an essential part of any team's success. It can be hard to get employees to share their knowledge, but it's vital to your organization's future. It is the hidden body of information that an employee uses without thinking about it. It exists only within the minds of individuals and cannot be transferred from one person to another.

See some examples of tacit knowledge here.

10 Ways to Capture the Tacit Knowledge Inside Your Employee's Head

 It is easy to capture the explicit knowledge since it can easily be translated into documents and easily shared with others. However, it is not easy to capture and share when it comes to tacit knowledge.

Here are some suggestions organizations can use to capture tacit knowledge.

1. Encourage sharing

People don't usually like to share their tacit knowledge. They may think that others won't understand it or aren't relevant to their current position. However, encouraging people to share their tacit knowledge can increase productivity and innovation. If you encourage people to share their tacit experiences, you'll find that they're more willing to contribute their knowledge.

2. Reward people who share their tacit knowledge

Reward people who share their tacit experience. A simple thank you goes a long way. Giving people recognition helps them feel valued. Recognition also shows that you value their contributions.

3. Have regular meetings

Have regular meetings. Meetings provide a forum for employees to discuss issues and ideas. They also give people a chance to share their tacit knowledge. Regular meetings also create a sense of camaraderie among employees.

4. Offer incentives

Offer incentives to those who share their tacit knowledge. Rewards such as bonuses and promotions can motivate people to share their tacit experience.

5. Create opportunities for learning

Create opportunities for employees to learn new things. This will help them develop their tacit knowledge. The best way to do this is to allow them to work on projects outside of their everyday responsibilities.

6. Use technology

Use technology to increase employee engagement. Technology allows employees to communicate their tacit knowledge to colleagues and customers.

7. Online Communities

The internet has made it possible for people to connect in ways never before imagined. People have created online communities where they can ask questions about anything they want. These communities can act as virtual mentorship programs.

You can set up forums or message boards to share their opinions and tips. They can also post links to articles and blogs that they find interesting. Using the right tools makes it easier for people to connect.

8. Build relationships

Build relationships between your employees by promoting social activities within your organization. The more people get to know one another, the more likely they share information. Creating friendships within an organization boosts morale and encourages sharing.

9. Train employees

Train employees, so they can be more effective at using resources. Allow employees to take advantage of training programs available in the company. Training provides employees with knowledge and skills, which increases their effectiveness.

10. Promote transparency

Promoting transparency leads to increased trust among employees. It lets everyone know what they need to do, what they should expect from others, and how people treat them. When employees are transparent with themselves, they feel less stressed out. Everyone works better when they know exactly what needs to happen for everything to run smoothly.



Employees' tacit knowledge is always valuable. By making these changes, you'll see huge improvements in every area of your business. These methods aren't just good for your bottom line; they're great for your business overall.

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