Key Behavioral Indicators (KBIs)

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  • Key Behavioral Indicators (KBIs)

Key Behavioral Indicators (KBIs) are metrics used to measure the performance of an individual or organization. They provide a snapshot of an individual or organization's performance regarding specific behaviours and activities. In this blog post, we will look at what KBIs are and how they can help you create more effective marketing strategies.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) vs. Key Behavior Indicators (KBIs)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantitative measures used to evaluate a company's performance against predetermined goals, objectives, or industry peers. KPIs can measure different aspects of an organization's performance, such as financial performance, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, etc.

Key Behavioral Indicators (KBIs) are "the behaviours" that are measured to track, assess and improve performance. These indicators are based on employee competencies and provide insight into the underlying behaviours that drive success. KBIs focus on the specific behaviours that should be improved to strengthen individual and team performance.

By focusing on KBIs, organizations can gain insight into how their behaviour has changed and needs to change to meet their objectives.

Examples of KBIs

Some examples of KBIs include :

• Time management: How well does the team manage their time?

• Communication: How effective is the team's communication?

• Collaboration: How well do team members collaborate?

• Adaptability: How quickly can the team adapt to changing circumstances?

• Safety: How well does the team adhere to safety protocols?

• Proactiveness: How proactive is the team in identifying and solving problems?

• Ethical: How ethical is the team's behaviour?

• Keeping promises: How well does the team keep its promises?

• Honest feedback: How honest is the team's feedback?

KBIs provide insight into the underlying behaviours that drive success and can be used to identify areas for improvement. KBIs can also be used to define competencies, providing a framework for coaching teams toward higher performance.


Key Behavioral Indicators (KBIs) are important for measuring and improving performance. They provide a way to measure the behaviour adjustments necessary to support organizational culture transformation. By measuring and tracking your KBIs, you can better understand your organization's performance and take steps to improve it.

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