World Quality Day | 14 November 2019

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  • World Quality Day | 14 November 2019

Many companies celebrate the month of November as Quality Month. The main purpose behind this celebration to raise the level of quality awareness in the company.

It is also an opportunity to celebrate the success your organization and people have achieved in the recent past.

Why November?

There is no clear reason for selecting the month of November as Quality Month. Some think that this was the month selected by Japanese back in 1960-70 period.

American Society for Quality (ASQ) celebrates the World Quality Month (WQM) during the month of November. Click here to see the latest post related to the Quality Month 2019.

The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) celebrates the Word Quality Day (WQD). This year the WQD will be celebrated on 14 November 2019. The theme of this years celebration is "100 years of Quality". 

Celebrating Quality Month (Ideas)

Here are some examples of the activities which can be performed during this month to promote quality:

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