Visual Factory

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Lean manufacturing approaches such as Visual Factory focuses on using visual information throughout workspaces. Visual Factory uses systems of communication tools to share info when and where they're needed.

Visualization is one of the basic principles of lean manufacturing. The purpose of visualization is to help people understand what goes on in a system. This helps them focus their efforts on improving the actual operation instead of wasting time with unnecessary meetings and other administrative tasks.

In general, visual controls aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of activity through increased visibility. The theory behind visual control says that things we see easily stay in our minds longer than things we don't see well. If workers could see the process from start to finish, they would be more aware of problems within the system.

The idea is to have people view the entire process so they can spot any potential issues before they happen. That way, they'll know exactly what needs to change for the better.

There are four main parts to the visual Factory:

1) Visible flow lines - these show how much work has been completed and how much is left to do. They also show which departments or groups are responsible for completing specific jobs. These are often referred to as "channels."

2) Flow charts - these show the steps required to complete each job. They also show the order in which those steps must occur. These are used in place of written work instructions or procedures.

3) Diagrams - these visually represent the different components used to build a product. Such diagrams include assembly line diagrams, component diagrams, process flow diagrams, etc.

4) Graphical representations - this includes bar graphs, pie charts, and histograms. These visualize numeric data into easy-to-understand graphics. This could include information on KPIs, process matrics, defect rate etc.

These four elements combine to form a compelling visual management toolset. By increasing worker awareness, you will increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve quality.

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