Quality Conscious vs. Quality Conscience: What’s the Difference?

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  • Quality Conscious vs. Quality Conscience: What’s the Difference?

The words "consciousness" and "conscience" often get used interchangeably. In modern society, they have become almost synonymous with each other. In the earlier days of mankind, the word "consciousness" meant something different from what it means today. It referred to the state an animal is in before it goes to sleep. It referred to the fact that an animal was aware of its surroundings. When used in this sense, the word "consciousness" was just a synonym for "awareness".

But then the formation of a society required a name for the collective awareness of a group of people. Thus, the word "consciousness" acquired a new meaning. "Consciousness" is now used to describe an individual's state of awareness.

 To live life with a conscience means to live one's life with a sense of right and wrong, good and evil. It means to always have a sense of what is right and wrong and to make sure that one's actions always reflect one's personal set of values. Being conscious of the effects of one's actions on others, as well as on the environment, is also an important part of having a conscience.

Quality Consciousness 

The word "consciousness" is used to describe a person's state of being conscious of his or her surroundings. A more modern meaning of the word is the state of being aware of what one is doing and the effects it will have on others. To be quality conscious means that a person is aware of what constitutes quality work and wants to do things right. It means that he or she is aware of the need for quality in all things, including work, health, relationships, etc.

Quality conscious refers to a way of thinking and living that emphasizes the need for excellence in everything we do. It's not about being perfect, but striving for high standards that make our work and lives more satisfying. 

Quality Conscience 

The word "quality conscience" means that every action is done with a specific intention, and considers the consequences. This can be seen as living a life with a sense of right and wrong, good and evil. It means to always have a sense of what is right and wrong and to make sure that one's actions always reflect one's personal set of values. Being conscious of the effects of one's actions on others, as well as on the environment, is also an important part of having a conscience.

The word "conscience" refers to being mindful about one's moral compass (moral consciousness).


What is the difference between Quality Consciousness and Quality Conscience? 

"Quality Consciousness" is a state of being aware of the need for quality. "Quality Conscience" is a state of having an awareness of right and wrong, good and evil.

Another way to look at this is, 'Quality Consciousness' is when a person is aware of standards and what they are trying to achieve. 'Quality Conscience' is when a person has the ability to see the standards and requirements and be critical of them.


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