Quality circles have been around for a long time. Quality circle were first established in the 1960s in Japan.The concept of Quality Circles was formalized by Kaoru Ishikawa. They are also called Quality Control Circles.
Quality Circles
Quality Circles are groups of employees that meet to discuss work-related problems, identify solutions, and take action. The main goal of the Quality Circle is to improve employee morale by making employees feel they have a say in their company. This makes them an excellent resource for companies to utilize to be more productive, innovative, and profitable.
Quality circles can provide your company with many benefits. With quality circles, you can improve the quality of your products and increase productivity. You can also take advantage of team-building opportunities and create a more cohesive work environment.
Quality circles are designed to help improve the performance of individuals and teams, which can lead to improved organizational performance. Whether you want to enhance individual or team performance, improve customer service, or increase employee satisfaction, quality circles can be a great way to do it.
Who Participates in the Quality Circle?
Members of a quality circle are the workers from a particular work area. For the best results the membership should be people who volunteer to join it.Typically a quality circle might have 5 to 10 members.
Managers are supervisor are generally not a part of the quality circle, but they must provide all the support needed by the quality circle.
Quality Circle members use Seven Basic Quality tools to understand the causes and propose solutions for quality improvement. As a minimum all Quality Circle members should be trained in the Seven Basic Quality Tools. In addition, some members can be trained in Statistical Quality Control and other advanced techniques.