Section 1: What is Kano Analysis?
Kano Analysis is a technique of understanding customer's needs for a given product or service. It is based on the Kano Model developed by Noriaki Kano. In the Kano Model customers have different levels of needs and desires for a product.
The customer's level of satisfaction with and without these features will help determine which category they fall into and what their expectations are from the company in the future to meet that category's needs or desires.
Section 2: The five categories
A Kano analysis is done by looking for five types of features in a given product.
- Must-be Features (basic features)
- Basic requirements of a product or service
- The absence of these lead to high dissatisfaction
- One-dimensional Features (expected features, performance needs)
- These features lead to a proportional increase in customer satisfaction
- Attractive Features (delighter, delightful features)
- These features lead to disproportional increase in customer satisfaction, or will delight customers
- If you do not include them, customer might not even notice that
- But if you include them the customer will be excited
- Indifferent Features
- These features do not have any effect on the customer satisfaction.
- It really does not make any difference if you add them or not add them.
- Reverse Features (undesired features)
- Presence of these features lead to extreme dissatisfaction, and the absence of them leads to the customer satisfaction
Section 3: Functional and Dysfunctional form questions
For each feature, create two questions:
- Functional Form Question:
- If you had the feature (or more of it), how would you feel?
Example: If you had Wi Fi on the bus, how would you feel?
- If you had the feature (or more of it), how would you feel?
- Dysfunctional Question:
- If you did NOT have the feature (or less of it), how would you feel?
Example: If you did not have Wi Fi on the bus, how would you feel?
- If you did NOT have the feature (or less of it), how would you feel?
Kano Analysis
Section 4: Survey Responses
Use the following standard responses for all questions:
- I like it
- I expect it
- I’m neutral
- I can tolerate it
- I dislike it
Section 5: Feature Category
Based on the response for the functional and dysfunction question, determine the feature category using the below matrix.
Section 6: Summary Table
Based on the response from multiple customers determine which of the feature category is most common for a particular feature.
Section 7: Better/Worst coefficients
The effect of a feature to increase the satisfaction or to decrease customer dissatisfaction
Better coefficient after increase:
Better coefficient after increase = (attractive quality + one dimensional quality) / (attractive quality + one dim. quality + must be quality + indifferent quality)
Worst coefficient after decrease
Worse coefficient after reduction = (one dimensional quality + must be quality) / (attractive quality+ one dimensional quality + must be quality + indifferent quality) × -1
Section 8: Better/Worst Plot
Create a Better/Worst Plot and plot each feature on this plot.