Define "job enrichment" and "job enlargement."
Job enrichment is a process in which an individual's skills, knowledge, or abilities are increased through learning new things. It is also called vertical expansion. Job enrichment refers to making jobs more interesting so employees enjoy their work. It has been used for decades now.
Job enlargement is a process in which a person's responsibilities are expanded to include more work than they originally had. It is also called horizontal expansion.
What is the difference between job enrichment and job expansion?
If I'm working at my current job and it becomes clear that there are other tasks that I can do for the company, then I would be expanding my responsibilities, or it will be job enlargement.
If I am currently doing one task but find out that there is another task that I could do, then I would be enriching my current role, or it will be job enrichment.
Advantages and disadvantages of each approach
I think both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. Job enrichment allows you to learn new things, expand your responsibilities, and increase your earning potential. However, it requires some extra time on your part to complete the task.
On the other hand, job enlargement allows you to take on additional responsibility within the existing framework. It also might have the advantage of allowing you to earn more money. But, you may not get as much personal satisfaction from this type of change.
A job enlargement program is a method of motivation that involves giving employees an increase in their responsibilities, so they feel like they're doing important work.
Enrichment programs help develop new skills among workers. Usually, people take it as a reward for doing well at something.